Saturday 7 March 2009

Dating and Personality

It's a very common attribute amongst people. People judge others by their looks all the time. However, when hoping to find someone you can spend the rest of your life with then it is important to silence this trait and be able to look for the more important attributes of someone's personality.

Unfortunately, everybody does it. At some point everyone should take a step back and realize that subconsciously we all do it, we all have the tendency to be superficial.

Many believe that men do it more often than women when looking for a relationship. Nevertheless, this behavior can be de-constructive when it comes to meeting a woman for a relationship. Every person likes to be appreciated for who they are, not what they look like and this is something that stands as an obstacle for every relationship. Even people who have great physical beauty don't want to be judged based on that beauty.

The widespread idea is that it is possible to like a person for their physical beauty first and then start to like a person for who they are once you get to know them. Once you find the character of the person agreeable you will start liking the person for who they are. When it comes to dating many men are like that. They look at physical beauty only and don't try to look deeper than that.

Men find themselves entangled in long but problematic relationships that cause a lot of hardship just because the woman they are dating is beautiful from the outside but doesn't have the personality traits that match.

The shallowness of some men and the notion that looks are the only determinant to happiness has influenced how women think. Some women are convinced that men only interested in looks and this idea makes them feel insecure about who they are and how they approach relationships and life in general. This comes into play when women get older and less youthful in appearance.

Society and how men think especially has made women terribly self conscious about their looks. When considering what you truly believe is important in a woman. If looks is top on your list it will surely lead to a very dissatisfying experience for you, and your woman.

Another difference regarding how men and women are perceived by the opposite sex is that a man is considered more distinguished looking when his hair takes on the salt and pepper look, whereas women merely look old. Wrinkles on a man are no big deal, but for women the first sign of a wrinkle is cause to consider botox treatment or other cosmetic surgery.
A good example on how this unfortunate social mechanism functions is that many people need to see a person or the other persons picture before they actually get to know them first. Nevertheless, a decision based largely on looks is more suitable for a shallow meaningless relationship rather than anything else.

Both men and women need to learn how to appreciate other people, prospective mates for who they are and not the way they look. In the authors opinion it is imperative for someone who is looking for a relationship, to be able to externalize their inner beauty. An attractive personality is much more important than an attractive shell.