Thursday 26 February 2009

Dating Someone Who Is Overweight

Have you been dating someone who is one of the nicest people that you have ever known and who you really enjoy being around? If so, you should consider yourself lucky. When you think about what you would change about the person do you always think about their weight? More people than ever before are overweight, which means that all of us have the chance of falling for someone who is overweight. Is being overweight a deal breaker for you?

If you always think about their weight you need to get to the bottom of it. You need to remember that what a person looks like is not all that there is to them. If you have fun with the person and they treat you well, you need to learn to move past the weight issue if this is purely a vanity thing. Most people find that when they are really in love some with someone that it is easy to look past their physical issues and just love them for who they are.

On the flip side of the coin, you may be worried about the health of the person that you are dating. While you should not be wrapped up in what the person you are dating looks like, you may have a reason to worry about their health if they are overweight. Do you notice that they cannot easily participate in physical activities? Do they have health problems that could be linked to their being over weight? In this instance you may have a bit of a reason to consider their weight.

If you are dating someone who is overweight you need to be careful how you approach this topic. Most people who should lose some weight don't need other people to point that out to them, but if you want to help you can be supportive. Let your love interest know that you want to start eating better and you would enjoy their support. You may also want to tell them that you want to start working out more and you would like them to join you in this endeavor, as well. When you make it about you, you may be able to help your love interest lose weight and get in shape. You'll not only feel better about their health, you may find that you are more attracted to them than you have been in a long time, or ever!

This is not to say that you should concentrate solely on someone's weight. You shouldn't date someone with the intention of helping them lose weight, because not everyone wants to lose weight and get in better shape. If you cannot stand the idea of dating someone who is overweight, you may be limiting your options, but you should definitely steer clear of anyone who has weight to lose.