Monday 6 April 2009

Secret Signs Tell You If Your Ex Wants You Back

Do you bump into your ex a lot more that usual? And maybe they seem a little nervous around you but don't seem to be anxious to get away, and seem to make up excuses to prolong your meeting?

Has your ex initiated contact with you more than once and they contact you for no apparent reason, "just to talk." Do they tell you things that have happened to them and how they feel about those things? Do they ask for your advice?

Does your ex still invite you to go out places? Perhaps they talk about numerous changes they have made to improve their life. Have they mentioned changing any annoying habits that they know you used to hate when you were together? Do they appear like they are trying to impress you and win recognition?

Does your ex ask you about your private life? Do they ask you if you are seeing someone else? Are they just nosy in general? Do they appear to be jealous?

Are they dating anyone? If not, it is a good chance that they are holding out to see if you want to get back together.

If your ex is dating other people, this could actually be a good sign. Have you heard that your ex is over-compensating for his/her happiness by going out on a lot of dates, partying a lot or pretending like he/she doesn't really care?

Chances are if you are seeing or hearing about this kind of behavior then your ex is truly hurting, and where there is hurt, there are still strong feelings.

Are they showering you with compliments like they did when you first got together? Are they going out of their way to do things for you?

Do they drop hints to let you know they are free? Or do they drop their plans to hang out with you?

Do they still mention places that you went together, or possibly hang out where you used to hang out together? Or maybe they still carry your picture around or wear something that you gave them.

Does your ex talk trash about you? If your ex has been bad mouthing you all over town it is a good chance that he/she is so heartbroken over your recent breakup that he/she is channeling his/her emotions in a negative way.

If you have NOT experienced any of these signs, there is still hope that your ex still has feelings for you, and chances are good that you can still get back together, all you need is a the knowledge to make it happen.

If you HAVE experienced any of these signs, then chances are extremely good that you ex still has feelings for you. For someone to forget a relationship, they will avoid everything mentioned here altogether.

Now, that we have identified the signs that your ex still has feelings for you, what do you do? With a little guidance from an expert, you will be able to win your ex back in no time flat. Right now, the only thing standing between you and getting back with your ex is knowledge.