Tuesday 16 June 2009

Dating Tips for Shy Men

You think of yourself as a guy who seems to have not gotten over his awkward stage. When it comes to dating, you are still as awkward as any teenager out there, getting dumped easily after a single night out with a girl. Dating becomes a hard task for you and you are now trying to shy away from ever dating for fear of getting dumped again. Well, worry no more, dude. Here are some dating tips that will help you get past the awkward stage:

1. Calm yourself.
You don't want your date to touch your clammy hands, or would you? It's not that you have hyperhidrosis or someone who suffers from excessive sweating. You get clammy and sweaty hands because you're anxious. Try to calm yourself before and especially during a date. Don't think of a date as a date; instead, think of it as a chance for you to gain friends, women friends. This way, you remove any expectations from yourself and won't pressure you to impress your date much. When you're calm, you will say the right words at the right time. And when you are calm, you will ooze with self-confidence and appeal.

2. Fix your voice.
Men's voices should be booming when angry and modulated and smooth when in a casual conversation. This means that your voice shouldn't squawk, most especially when you're in front of a woman that you like. You can do this by practicing at home. Orient the people in your home that the new you has a great sounding voice. This is to make your voice change natural and without you changing how you sound when you're home and outside of home with other people. A modulated voice exudes an aura of maturity. Women like mature men, not in looks but how he sounds.

3. Learn how to smile.
Oh, stop showing your gums when you smile. It might look cute when you were eight, but you're not eight anymore. Your smile should be something that would send thrilling chills down on a woman's spine and make her breathing be labored. Practice smiling in front of your mirror. Practice all sorts of smile that you can make: a half-smile, a full smile, a laughing smile and a naughty grin. Movie stars do it, why wouldn't you? When doing your 'new' smile, it might feel unnatural or uncomfortable at first. It's normal. Just do what you've practiced. In no time at all, it'll become your natural smile.