Saturday 23 May 2009

A Successful Blind Date Top Tips

The first point to bear in mind about a blind date, is to beat around the bush. Do not just go on a blind date without any basic details or information on the person you wish to date. Plan your blind date procedure a few days ahead and let the plans go around in your mind so that you know what to do and how to deal with situations that may arise. Do not just trust your blind date completely and do not entrust your whole evening or your life in the hands of an unknown person.

If the blind date knows someone who you know well or has been set up by a person you know well, then there is a much larger element of trust there. If your blind date is someone you've met on the internet, then find out as much as you can about your date until you instinctively feel comfortable spending some time with this person.

Instead of making very fancy and elaborate plans on your very first blind date, it is far safer to plan your dating in a casual and crowded place where you both can have a relaxed conversation and be comfortable enough to share one another's views. Besides ensuring your safety, casual dating will also help both of you to get to know one another better. Also in a crowded or a cool place you should have plenty of subjects to talk about i.e. your environment. This helps steer the conversation away from the formal topics of where did you go to school, what did you study and the like.

Try to keep the blind date informal and do not over dress for the occasion. For a blind date you don't need to turn up wearing formal wear but you should not turn up in gym clothes either. Show some taste in dressing; keep it casual and smart. Keep all your special clothes, till say after two or three dates. And men should save their suits for their wedding day. Aim to strike a good balance and create a good lasting impression.

However best you prepare for your blind date it still might not go as good as you would have liked. The chemistry between you and your date might not work well but that doesn't mean you cannot trust or find the person interesting. It might just be a bad day for either or both of you. Keep your mind open, never pass judgement and don't be too rigid. It's easy to feel deflated if the date doesn't go well; the time investment and maybe even the financial investment, not to mention the hope. If you do get on really well, then you'll want to get together again. This is where you start playing the game of should I call her tomorrow or the day after. The conventional wisdom is not to arrange a next date at the end of the first of the date; to leave them wanting more. But this will be your call.