Friday 1 May 2009

Flirting Is An Art

Have you ever been having fun flirting with someone and then just as quickly as it all started it stops? This can be a really confusing experience, especially when you were excited about the connection that you had made with someone.

What do you do now? How do you respond to the silence or the lack of flirting that is now occurring? It can be a bit confusing, but don't beat yourself up about it. Flirting is not a science, it is an art and unfortunately your flirting may not be right for everyone that you come into contact with. From time to time flirting can go wrong, it happens to the best of us.

There is no way to really know what happened. A few things could have actually happened. Perhaps the person you were flirt with suddenly got busy and just does not have the time or energy to flirt with you at this point. This may be especially true if you were communicating by text message or email. Give them a few days and see if they don't get back in touch with you before you assume that something went wrong.

The person that you were flirting with may feel as though they were moving too fast and they backed off so that things don't continue. When you were the last to make a flirty move, allow for the ball to stay in their court. If they begin flirting with you again, simply pick up where they leave off, but don't push it. They have to be comfortable with the flirt for it to go anywhere.

You may have gone too far or read too much into your communications or interactions. It is difficult to flirt within the comfort levels of others when you do not know them well. You may have been too forward or just seemed too needy. People don't always know how to respond to those that are flirting with them, and you may have unknowingly been pushing them away by coming on too strong.

Every now and again flirt does go wrong, but it doesn't mean that it won't work the next time around. Don't waste your time worrying about what went wrong or if you can rectify the situation. If someone doesn't respond to your flirty nature there will be someone who does. If you feel an apology is necessary or you would like to talk to the person about it, be prepared for awkwardness.

There is nothing worse than saying, "I'm sorry if my flirting offended you." and someone saying in response, "I didn't realize you were even flirting with me." If you flirt with someone and they do not pursue the relationship, many times it is just better to leave the situation alone and hope that it resolves itself.