Sunday 17 May 2009

How To Pick Up Beautiful Women

Perhaps, this question always plagued you. "How to pick up beautiful women?"

Well, let me ask you this question instead. "What comes to your mind whenever you see a beautiful woman?"

If you are like most guys, you will probably be fantasizing about how she is attracted to you and how confident you are etc...

But when it comes time to take action and approach her, you probably hesitated. Well, what is she rejects me? I totally understand that situation because I have been there too.

Perhaps, you will become more successful with women if you are equipped with these 3 powerful weapons.

1) Confidence

Nothing attract a woman more than a brimming confidence. Don't believe me? Ever wonder why so many women fall for jerks?

Ok, before you think you have to be a jerk to attract women, well, you don't have to. You do not have to behave like a jerk to show your confidence. By it will be helpful to go into the mind of confident guys.

What you need to know is that confident men are not afraid to do whatever they want. They are not worried about other people's opinions of them. Of course, we won't be able to cover everything about confidence in this article.

There are many good resources out there that will teach you how to become more confident.

2) Your Appearance

By appearance, it doesn't mean you have to go to the gym and build your muscles. Though it can help if you are a bit skinny like me.

What I meant by appearance is through the way you dress. You don't have to dress like a millionaire or like a model. But you should at least bother to comb your hair and look presentable and clean. And this is definitely something you can do within minutes.

Sometimes, it really puzzles me. A guy will simply dress in shorts to meet a girl for the first time.

3) Your Sense Of Humor

Alright, not every guy is humorous. Or they may suddenly lose their humor in front of a beautiful woman. But the good news is humor can be practiced. Humor can be perfected.

And one warning here. Don't ever attempt to tell lame joke. Chances are, she will feel awkward and might just try to have a chuckle or two, just to appear polite. You certainly do not want to look like a fool. That's what I used to do anyway. You do not want to fall into the same trap as I did.