Monday 27 April 2009

Do You Really Want Your Ex Back

What I am trying to get at here is abuse. Sometimes it is hard to detect because our judgment has been clouded. There are three types of abuse: physical, mental and verbal. If you think you are a victim of abuse, then I hope this will prove to be of value to you.

Physical abuse is obviously the most common, and well as the most dangerous. If your ex has ever hit or shoved you, or thrown things at you, you need to seek help immediately. This is nothing to play around with, and if your ex has hit you once, it is a pretty much guarantee that it will happen again and again. This type of aggressive behavior is unacceptable and no one deserves to be treated this way.

Mental abuse can be deadly in a way that it can tear your self-esteem down, and convince you that you are not worthy. This type of person will torment you and lead you to believe that no one in his or her right mind would ever want you. You must understand that this is their own insecurity speaking.

Some of the characteristics of the person who is mentally abusive would be the possessive and controlling person. Often mental abuse is not detected until later on in the relationship. When we are in love, we have a foggy perception of things, and we tend to make up excuses for the other person, or perhaps we just get comfortable and we overlook things.

Some forms of mental abuse are not quite as obvious as others, for example, being judgmental and critical, of not just you, but your friends and family as well. Being critical of you, everything about you, your hair, nails, clothing, your size, the cleanliness of your home, your car.

Being judgmental of your friends and family. If your ex judges people around you, they are probably judging you as well, and in my opinion, it is wrong to judge, critcize and condemn other people, and you want to steer far away from this.

The last one is pretty obvious, if your ex is the type to scream and yell and call you names, you may want to re-think your situation, to determine whether or not you even want to get your ex back.

Most often, the person who is verbally abusive will belittle you, not only to you, but also in front of your family and friends. Pay close attention to how they talk to you and about you especially in front of your family and friends. If they are saying unkind things about you or to you, do some serious soul searching before you attempt to get back with your ex.
Everyone deserves to be happy, it is your birth right, so claim it!

If you have noticed any of the 3 types of abuse in your relationship with your ex, take my advise and do some serious soul searching. We are only put here on this earth one time, and it is much easier to be happy with who you are with.

For the ones that have not noticed any of the above, I am very happy for you and I would recommend you read more below on about how to get your ex back. Word of cautious, this stuff will blow your mind away. Not the typical information that you hear.