Have you been out on a few really bad dates lately and you are not sure what gives? Bad dates seem to come in multiples and many times it feels as though it is a process that we cannot stop on our own. While it may have just been coincidence, you may need to get some things in order on your end of the deal, too. If you are sure that you are always putting your best foot forward you will likely find that the dating process goes a lot more smoothly. There are some really simple dating tips that every guy could benefit from including:
Buy some new clothes. Many women are turned off because a man does not know how to dress to impress. When you come to a date dressed like you just rolled out of bed she will think you are either lazy or not respectful or interested enough in her to dress more appropriately. You don't have to buy a suit but buy some nice clothes that will make you look nice and let her know that you care to be there.
Get your hair cut. Sounds simple but many guys don't follow this basic rule. The biggest turn off to a lot of women are men who do not understand the importance of good hygiene. Keep your head and facial hair trimmed and make sure that you always smell good. You don't have to take a bath in cologne, but make sure you don't reek of body odor, either.
Get the job you want. What does this have to do with dating? Everything! First and foremost, when you have a job that you like you will be a happier person and this will translate to a good dating scenario. Also, a woman generally likes a man who has a stable job and has a good work ethic.
Be sure that you are knowledgeable about current affairs. You may think that what is going on in the world today doesn't affect you, but it does, and your date may very well think you are an idiot if you cannot talk about the current news topics. Buy a paper once a week and especially on the morning of date night's so you keep abreast of important issues.
Don't let a woman think that sports come before her. You can like sports, you can love sports, but the minute a woman thinks that sports come before her she tunes out. If you mention sports and she is not interested, then find other things to talk about. You can love sports and still keep a woman, you just have to be willing to find that balance.
These are some great tips that just about any man can benefit from. Whether you are newly single, just on the dating scene, or have been dating for years you will find that these seemingly simple dating tips really can turn your love life around in a hurry. Put an end to those lousy dates by following these simple tips, you may be surprised how fast these simple things really turn your dating life around!
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Simple But Important Dating Tips for Men
Monday, 27 April 2009
Do You Really Want Your Ex Back
What I am trying to get at here is abuse. Sometimes it is hard to detect because our judgment has been clouded. There are three types of abuse: physical, mental and verbal. If you think you are a victim of abuse, then I hope this will prove to be of value to you.
Physical abuse is obviously the most common, and well as the most dangerous. If your ex has ever hit or shoved you, or thrown things at you, you need to seek help immediately. This is nothing to play around with, and if your ex has hit you once, it is a pretty much guarantee that it will happen again and again. This type of aggressive behavior is unacceptable and no one deserves to be treated this way.
Mental abuse can be deadly in a way that it can tear your self-esteem down, and convince you that you are not worthy. This type of person will torment you and lead you to believe that no one in his or her right mind would ever want you. You must understand that this is their own insecurity speaking.
Some of the characteristics of the person who is mentally abusive would be the possessive and controlling person. Often mental abuse is not detected until later on in the relationship. When we are in love, we have a foggy perception of things, and we tend to make up excuses for the other person, or perhaps we just get comfortable and we overlook things.
Some forms of mental abuse are not quite as obvious as others, for example, being judgmental and critical, of not just you, but your friends and family as well. Being critical of you, everything about you, your hair, nails, clothing, your size, the cleanliness of your home, your car.
Being judgmental of your friends and family. If your ex judges people around you, they are probably judging you as well, and in my opinion, it is wrong to judge, critcize and condemn other people, and you want to steer far away from this.
The last one is pretty obvious, if your ex is the type to scream and yell and call you names, you may want to re-think your situation, to determine whether or not you even want to get your ex back.
Most often, the person who is verbally abusive will belittle you, not only to you, but also in front of your family and friends. Pay close attention to how they talk to you and about you especially in front of your family and friends. If they are saying unkind things about you or to you, do some serious soul searching before you attempt to get back with your ex.
Everyone deserves to be happy, it is your birth right, so claim it!
If you have noticed any of the 3 types of abuse in your relationship with your ex, take my advise and do some serious soul searching. We are only put here on this earth one time, and it is much easier to be happy with who you are with.
For the ones that have not noticed any of the above, I am very happy for you and I would recommend you read more below on about how to get your ex back. Word of cautious, this stuff will blow your mind away. Not the typical information that you hear.
Friday, 24 April 2009
Casual Dating - Dating Just To Have Fun
If you are like a lot of people you like to spend time with others but you aren't necessarily looking to have a long term relationship. This can be a great way to date because you get to spend time with some really interesting people but you don't have any responsibility or commitment to them other than to show them a good time for the night. While keeping this casual when dating may be exactly what you want to do, you may find that it is more difficult to find people who feel the same day.
Casual dating is the act of dating just to have fun, with no desire for commitment or moving forward with the people that you spend time with. There's nothing wrong with dating this way and that is why it has become really popular. Who said you had to date just in an attempt to find a relationship? You don't have to, you can date just to have fun. Sure, you can date the same people each time, as long as you both know that the interaction is not leading to anything more serious or committed.
The problem with this type of dating is that the people you go out with may say that they are not looking for anything serious but you'll soon find that they are. A lot of people think that casual dating is a great idea for them, but when they start actually participating in this type of dating they begin to want to get closer to the people they are with, making for some awkward moments.
There are also those people who say that they want to keep it casual but they also want to make sure that you aren't dating anyone else! This is not casual dating and if you find someone like this you need to explain to them what your goals for dating are, and that is just to have a good time with the person that you are with. Let them know that while you like them, you cannot commit to them.
This is not to say that there are not people out there who are looking for the same thing you are. There are a lot of them, you just have to be clear about what you are looking for up front. When you tell the people that you date right away that you are not looking for anything serious and that you like to keep things really casual you may find that you thin the herd a little bit so you don't have to suffer through any of those awkward moments or clingy dates later on down the road.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
What To Do When You Are Dating A Shy Man
There is something exciting and mysterious about a shy man. You may find that you are very attracted to him, and then nothing. Shy men can be hard to figure out if you don't know what your doing. A lot of women assume that the man just is not interested, but generally this is not the case. Remember? He's shy!
So, you're dating a shy guy and you find that you just cannot relate to his introverted nature. Instead of balking at his shyness, embrace it! Let the guy know that you appreciate his personality because it shows that he is real and not full of arrogance and ignorance like other people. Let him know that while he is quiet that you find what he does have to say is always very profound and that is why you like him so much. This is a great way to build up his confidence and get him to start opening up to you despite his shy disposition.
Take an interest in who he is aside from the shyness. If he has a hobby that he shares with you, ask him a lot of questions about it and show him that you are interested. When he feels like you have accepted this one aspect of his life he may feel an instant kinship with you that will allow him to open up and leave that shy behind. Behind every shy exterior is usually a very interesting interior, you just have to work to get him to show you that part of himself. Taking a true interest in him and what he does will help you see that part of him.
When you date someone shy you need to be comfortable being yourself. If you come across as totally fake than he will be less likely to open up and allow you to get to know who he is under all that shyness. Be comfortable just being you, share the odd things about you, share things with him about your life, what you like. As you show him who you are, he will probably feel more comfortable showing you who he is. You may be amazed to find that he is so much more intelligent, charming, and just well rounded than you ever would have imagined. Being yourself with a shy guy is a huge pay off!
Don't force him into social situations until he is ready. Many women finally get their shy guy to open up to them and they want to take him out to a party with friends. If he is not outgoing in social situations you may need to give him a bit more time just being open with you before he'll have a good time hanging out with your friends. Remember, he's shy and you need to have him feel 100% comfortable with you before you can assume that he is going to open up to any of your friends.
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Secrets Why Men Leave Women
The first secret is that we stopped doing our normal activities. Whatever you do, do not stop working out, going to church, doing your errands, hanging out with your girlfriends, just because he calls and wants to see you tonight. A man does not want you to stop being who you are. You should not give up your life, keep a day planner of activities, and do not cancel your plans, you can let him know what time is good for you once you have finished what you have to do.
Another reason a man leaves a woman is because she does not accept him for who he is, and is always trying to change him. Everyone has their own faults; you have to decide whether or not those faults are deal-breakers. It is ok to let him know how you feel, but otherwise, you will have to give him space to be himself.
Lack of appreciation is another common reason why men leave women. I think we have all been guilty of this at some time. We tend to get comfortable in the relationship and simply we do not think it is as important as it was in the beginning. Make sure and tell him thank you when he takes you out to dinner, tell him it is good to hear from him when he calls. Tell him looks nice. If he fixes something for you, make sure and compliment him. Everyone wants to be appreciated.
Another popular reason why a man leaves a woman is because she is overbearing. A woman who demands all of his attention, and keeps in sight at all times. This makes a man feel smothered, and he just wants to do what he wants to do without her interference. Maybe she is always telling him what to do, what to wear, always giving unsolicited advice. He could interpret that as she is trying to run his life.
Being over possessive and not giving them space and freedom is another common reason why men dump women. Nagging falls into this category as well. Nagging and complaining will make the man fell like they want to escape.
If your man has or is falling away from you, you can get him back. You must discover the secret ingredient a man requires in a serious relationship and if you give it to him, he will never leave. It's never too late to get him back, no matter what mistakes you have made.
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Secrets Why Women Leave Men
The first secret is being too controlling, you may not have even considered yourself as the controlling type, but women sometimes see this differently. Maybe you get jealous of her friends, or tell her not to spend so much time with her friends. You tell her she spends too much money. You tell her that her house is not clean enough. You hinder her from going somewhere she has plans to go. More than anything, you tell her where and when she should go out.
She had a life before you came into the picture and she can still manage her own time and money without your help. There are situations in which she may want your input or advice, but otherwise, do not be pushy with advice or demands. Instead of demanding time, ask for it, give her space and let her make her own decisions.
The next one is being too critical. A little constructive criticism can be positive. Although suggestions are generally considered acceptable, particularly if she asks for them, putdowns and negative are unacceptable in her eyes. Constantly correcting her will make her feel nitpicked and self-conscious. Smart women know that they should not spend time with a man who puts her down.
You must treat her with kindness and respect at all times, and only give her advice if she asks for it.
Another one is not having a life of your own, maybe you sulk when she tells you that she has plans to go out with her friends. Women interpret this as being needy. It is a popular belief that women are clingy and needy, however, men do the same thing. For any relationship to be healthy each partner must have his or her own life.
Making it obvious that your career comes before her. She wants your job to be important to you, and she is proud of your success and wants you to do well. On the other hand, if you start staying late at work, and canceling dates or if you are constantly hanging out with your coworkers after work hours, she will get ideas about your priorities.
Although a woman appreciates a focused and ambitious man, she also expects you to make time for her. This behavior will make her feel neglected, and she will feel like you do not have time for her, and she feels if you really love her then making time for her should be something you want to do. She also knows that if you do not want to make time for her, that someone else will.
The last one for now is being judgmental of her friends and family. You have to understand that these people are important to her and that she will be very defensive about them. Try to see the good things in them, you might actually start to like them, avoid confrontation with them. Do your best to get along with those closest to her. It will pay off in the long run.
If your girl has or is falling away from you, you can get her back. Learn more about the secret ingredient a woman requires in a serious relationship and if you give it to her, she will never leave. It's never too late to get her back, no matter what mistakes you have made.
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Three Ways on How to Be Irresistible
It's easy to get the woman you want, especially if you're as good looking and appealing as Justin Timberlake or Brad Pitt. But if you belong to the group of men who have been thrown drinks right onto their face or have been slapped hard on the face for picking up a woman in a bar, then you might say getting a woman is as hard as perfecting the SAT exam. However, pick up gurus don't believe so. You can be irresistible even if you couldn't pull off a Timberlake dance step or crack that Pitt grin. Below are 3 ways to be irresistible:
1. Make eye contact.
The eyes speak. It tells if you're happy or if you're sad or you are madly in love with a woman. Tell the woman in the room that you desire her. Throw her glances that tell her she's beautiful and that she's desired. Make eye contact once in a while and hold it for a few seconds. The trick would work if you would drop your gaze down ahead of her and don't look at her so often that she'd feel as though she's being stalked. Make eye contact for a couple of times and then stop. Make her want for more.
2. Talk less.
Women still love the old type of guy, the strong silent type. Women believe that men who talk less are men of action. To keep the attention of a woman, let her do the talking and be an ardent listener. She'll appreciate it more than you talking about yourself. Contribute to the conversation if you think she needs a response or if she's asking a question. Be an active listener as well an active communicator. Being a communicator doesn't necessarily mean you should talk and talk; you talk on times when you are expected or needed to talk.
3. Don't flatter women too much.
Although women want to hear flattering comments, they hate it when it seems like you are spreading it on much. According to pick up books, women want a man who likes them for whom they are and appreciate them even with their faults. If you think a woman looks stunning in her dress, tell her so but don't overdo it by telling her all night that she looks great. You can flatter her in other ways by casting her a look that tells her you desire her much.
Thursday, 9 April 2009
Three Secrets of Pick Up Artists
Women want you, women swoon at you, and they can't get enough of you. This is the ultimate dream of any man. And only great pick up artists enjoy it. What is it about pick up artists that make them so lovable? What is it about them that you don't have? Below are 3 secrets of pick up artists and how you can imitate them:
1. Great pick up artist reads.
As they say, knowledge is power. And it holds true even with pick up artists. Pick up artists read pick up books. Where else would they know the trade secrets of dating and picking up girls? Starting right now, read books about dating and collect tips on how to be a successful pick up artist. These books reveal secrets of men who are irresistible to women. Of course, authors of these books interviewed these guys with a promise of anonymity. There is a ton of great pick up books that you can get yourself to study and learn "The Art of Approaching" as the experts would call it. These books will teach you how to approach not just any woman but the most beautiful woman around.
2. Great pick up artist starts from being a loser.
There's no such thing as innate irresistibly. George Clooney is downright good-looking yes, but he becomes a ladies man only after he gained confidence to be The Ladies Man. There were photos of him released on the Internet during his high school days and he wasn't a bit a debonair back then as he is now. He had braces; he smiled awkwardly and had sheepish looks that would make you wonder, "Was that really George Clooney?" No girl in school would be so head-over-heels to be with him on prom night.
3. Great pick up artist is not necessarily "good looking."
Take the case of Marc Anthony, a Latino singer. He got involved with the most beautiful women in the world like Angelina Jolie, Dianara Torres (Miss Universe) and Jennifer Lopez. He's not the Brad Pitt type but, he gets the woman he wants.
Another example is David Spade, a comedian. He's not really good looking but take a look at the women he had been linked to! In fact, he knocked up a very beautiful Playboy girl. That's truly something to get envious of. The point here is looks are not that important to get the woman you want. You need to be oozing with sex-appeal (as women would put it) to get noticed. And sex-appeal is something that can be learned and cultivated. You can package yourself to have an animalistic sex appeal if only you wanted to.
Monday, 6 April 2009
Secret Signs Tell You If Your Ex Wants You Back
Do you bump into your ex a lot more that usual? And maybe they seem a little nervous around you but don't seem to be anxious to get away, and seem to make up excuses to prolong your meeting?
Has your ex initiated contact with you more than once and they contact you for no apparent reason, "just to talk." Do they tell you things that have happened to them and how they feel about those things? Do they ask for your advice?
Does your ex still invite you to go out places? Perhaps they talk about numerous changes they have made to improve their life. Have they mentioned changing any annoying habits that they know you used to hate when you were together? Do they appear like they are trying to impress you and win recognition?
Does your ex ask you about your private life? Do they ask you if you are seeing someone else? Are they just nosy in general? Do they appear to be jealous?
Are they dating anyone? If not, it is a good chance that they are holding out to see if you want to get back together.
If your ex is dating other people, this could actually be a good sign. Have you heard that your ex is over-compensating for his/her happiness by going out on a lot of dates, partying a lot or pretending like he/she doesn't really care?
Chances are if you are seeing or hearing about this kind of behavior then your ex is truly hurting, and where there is hurt, there are still strong feelings.
Are they showering you with compliments like they did when you first got together? Are they going out of their way to do things for you?
Do they drop hints to let you know they are free? Or do they drop their plans to hang out with you?
Do they still mention places that you went together, or possibly hang out where you used to hang out together? Or maybe they still carry your picture around or wear something that you gave them.
Does your ex talk trash about you? If your ex has been bad mouthing you all over town it is a good chance that he/she is so heartbroken over your recent breakup that he/she is channeling his/her emotions in a negative way.
If you have NOT experienced any of these signs, there is still hope that your ex still has feelings for you, and chances are good that you can still get back together, all you need is a the knowledge to make it happen.
If you HAVE experienced any of these signs, then chances are extremely good that you ex still has feelings for you. For someone to forget a relationship, they will avoid everything mentioned here altogether.
Now, that we have identified the signs that your ex still has feelings for you, what do you do? With a little guidance from an expert, you will be able to win your ex back in no time flat. Right now, the only thing standing between you and getting back with your ex is knowledge.
Friday, 3 April 2009
A Romantic Dinner For Two
Whether you were introduced to him by your aunt, or found him on an internet dating site, you've got a guy you're really crazy about and you've offered to cook him a meal.
As soon as you made the offer, a thousand and one thoughts went swirling around your head; what do I make, is he allergic to anything, what if I burn something, do I even have a tablecloth? Relax and read on for some hints on making the perfect, at home, romantic meal for two.
Chances are that at this stage of your relationship you've been out to a restaurant or two. Take your cue from what he's ordered in the past, or just come straight out and ask him what his favorites are.
Don't forget to ask him if he is allergic to anything. After all, you don't want to service crab or lobster to someone who is deathly allergic to shellfish.
You should plan for a starter like a soup or salad. Follow this with the main course, which includes vegetables, meat or fish, and rice or potatoes. Accompany the main course by a wine you both like. Despite what you've heard about matching food and wine, it really doesn't matter, as long as it all tastes good. Finish with a dessert.
Once you've determined what you're going to serve, you'll need a recipe. Do yourself a favor and keep it simple. Dig out a cookbook, or jump online. The same way you can find a good guy through internet dating, you can also find great recipes. Just type the name of the dish into your search window and pick a recipe that's not too complicated or fussy.
Make a list of all the ingredients you'll need, and then go through your cupboards and your pantry to determine what you'll need to buy.
Plan your prep and cooking time to coincide with his arrival. You don't want to be slaving over the stove while he's cooling his heels in the living room. Get all your prep done ahead of time, so that all you have to do when he arrives is turn on the burners and give everything a stir once or twice while you both enjoy a pre - dinner drink.
Before he arrives, set the table. Use a tablecloth. If you don't have one, borrow, or buy one at your local dollar store. In a pinch, any type of cloth will do. I even used a (well laundered) white sheet once. Hey, with dimmed lights, he never noticed!
Use your best dishes. It doesn't have to be fine china; your everyday will do, but don't use the stuff with the chips and scratches.
Make sure that the cutlery is clean and polished, and add napkins, preferably cloth ones. If you use paper, don't use a paper towel, which just looks cheap.
Dress up the table with some flowers or a favorite plant. I've also used a small sculpture as a centerpiece.
For the finishing touch, add three of four tapered candles. Dim the lights, or turn them off altogether, and enjoy your romantic at home dinner!